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Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the compass that guides my academic and professional journey, allowing me to analyze, question, and synthesize information from diverse sources. It's more than just a skill; it's a mindset that empowers me to challenge assumptions, seek innovative solutions, and make informed decisions. Critical thinking isn't a destination; it's an ongoing journey that enriches my problem-solving abilities and shapes my commitment to lifelong learning and progress. In the complex field of Cybersecurity, which encompasses aspects of various disciplines, such as Criminal Justice, Network Management, Political Science, and Forensics, I have demonstrated my ability to creatively find solutions, locate relevant sources, and integrate multiple perspectives. My ePortfolio will feature artifacts that highlight my commitment to employing critical thinking in addressing multifaceted challenges.

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IDS 300W Interdisciplinary Theory & Concepts


CYSE 495 BioCybersecurity


POL 426
  Cyber War

Interdisciplinary Theory & Concepts

Term Paper

This paper required me to weave ideas from various disciplines into a cohesive narrative, making it one of the most challenging tasks during my time in college. It tested my critical thinking and research skills, which encouraged me to embrace different perspectives. The core task was to create a unique topic and gather insights from at least three different fields of study to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Capstone Project - Baxter International


The Bio Cybersecurity Capstone Project, a comprehensive semester-long assignment, that involved a comprehensive sequence of ten steps and concluded with an executive briefing and board presentation. Completing the capstone project required me to conduct extensive research and employ critical thinking and problem-solving skills

A Safer Cyber World

Cyber War

My project paper, titled “A Safer Cyber World” followed a structured interdisciplinary research process and focused on cyber warfare from an international security perspective. It also explored topics such as operational considerations, national strategies, cyber deterrence, and the role of international institutions in the context of cybersecurity.

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