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My approach to research and writing is rooted in the belief that knowledge is a journey, not a destination. Every research endeavor presents an opportunity to explore, question, and synthesize information from diverse sources. It's about meticulously dissecting, evaluating, and assembling knowledge into well-structured narratives. Writing, for me, is a medium to share ideas, inform, and persuade. I believe in the power of clarity and precision in communication, making complex subjects accessible to a broader audience. In my ePortfolio, you'll discover artifacts that demonstrate my commitment to thorough research and effective writing.



CS 462 Cybersecurity Fundamentals


CRJS 215 Intro into Criminology


CS 300T Computers in Society

Domino’s India Identity Theft Attack

Cybersecurity Fundamentals

This cyberattack was a real-world case that highlighted the critical importance of cybersecurity. It not only exposed vulnerabilities within the global pizza chain's security infrastructure but also demonstrated how breaches can ripple through businesses and individuals, leaving a lasting impact. The incident underscored the urgency of implementing robust security measures in our interconnected world, where a breach in one corner of the globe can reverberate globally.

Intro into Criminology

Gun violence in the United States

This demanded a deep understanding of these theories and the ability to find trustworthy research while approaching sensitive topics ethically. It provided a practical understanding of criminological theories and boosted research and analytical skills, which are handy not only in academics but also in real-world decision-making. Moreover, it emphasized the importance of approaching sensitive topics objectively and ethically, a valuable skill for those pursuing careers in criminology and criminal justice.

Computers in Society

Societal Impacts of Modern Technology

My paper on “The Societal Impacts of Modern Technology” examines the profound impact of modern technology on society, covering both positive and negative aspects. It emphasizes technology's significant role in enhancing efficiency, and global connectivity, but also discusses its drawbacks, including addiction, health issues, and societal challenges like cyberbullying and identity theft. My paper highlights the need for responsible technology use, emphasizing communication and understanding in the digital era.


Telemedicine is a rapidly evolving and increasingly significant aspect of healthcare. In this presentation, I explore the history, usage, and Importance of telemedicine, as well as its impact on the healthcare industry and patient care. I also discuss advantages of using telemedicine in the healthcare landscape.

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