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Interdisciplinary Studies 

Course Description:
This course focuses on the creation of an electronic portfolio that seamlessly integrates academic studies, work experiences, skill identification, and work products. Various alternative formats will be explored to cater to diverse uses of the portfolio.


Course Goals and Objectives:
1. Develop an ePortfolio using electronic tools, showcasing academic achievements, self-assessment, and entrepreneurial        skills.
2. Analyze and integrate workplace and academic learning through critical thinking.
3. Collaborate with peers to enhance individual projects.
4. Identify and curate the best work to demonstrate how skills align with major program and career goals.
5. Research the career landscape and problems using interdisciplinary theory.
6. Enhance writing skills through the completion of a reflective essay.

This section comprises three essays: a content analysis on Job Ads, a narrative essay, and a reflective essay, completed as part of this capstone course. These essays serve as a testament to my academic, self-assessment, and entrepreneurial skills. They reflect the culmination of my education and experience while pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Cybersecurity (STEM). As you explore, you'll observe my commitment to critical thinking, collaboration, and the curation of my best work aligning with major program and career goals.

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